International Social Security Services

Why use our International Social Security Services?

Understanding the NI position for employees posted overseas can be complicated for employers and social security contribution costs vary greatly around the world. With ever increasing scrutiny from social security authorities, it is prudent for employers to minimise risk whilst taking advantage of various opportunities to reduce costs when moving employees between countries.

Employers face large unexpected social security liabilities in other countries and even penalties for not paying the correct amount or not paying at all.

Whether an employee should continue to pay NI contributions while working overseas depends on the countries involved, the length of postings and the contractual employment arrangements but sometimes there are choices for both the employee and employer.

We have extensive experience in working with and advising both small companies with outbounds and multinationals with large globally mobile populations, focusing on social security issues options from a UK perspective.

We can advise on and apply for certificates of UK coverage for employees:-

  • Who work simultaneously in at least one EU country and the UK as well as  Detached/Posted workers
  • Countries outside the EU that have a reciprocal social security agreement with the UK

We can also assist employers with:-

  • Employees with posted employees in countries which the UK does not have a social security agreement with
  • Voluntary NI contribution options
  • Consecutive postings
  • Multi-state workers